First LocSSIP proper draft
Immediately, I noticed several mistakes after sending it off to my consultants for feedback and approval (as usual).
There is no date on the document
Is Supervision required? There should be a No option.
I'm not sure to make the platelet as a tick box (ie >50) or leave it blank to force user to write a number.
Has there been complications seems like a redundant question. LocSSIP is suppose to prevent and prompt reporting of complications.
Confirm patient's identity seems really vague. I think I will add Verbally/Wrist band
I never defined what is a clinical emergency setting. I think if I word it as 'non-elective', it would cover more scenarios.
I should have added a checkbox for 'Handover to Nurses (further instructions on the back)'.
Things I deliberately did not include into the LocSSIP:
Size of incision
Presence of suture
Applied suitable dressing
Volume of LA used
Patient's positioning
Use of safety triangle
Confirmation of swinging or bubbling of drain
Observation (NEWS score) prior to start of procedure
Most of the things I excluded was because I feel that a competent operator should do all the above automatically. I'm balancing between having a safety checklist without making the operator feel stupid (by having too many items to check off).
Now that I got the hang of making one LocSSIP, I'm ready to make more for various other procedures.
Plus, I'm working on the second page (backside of this page).
What else do you think I should include or exclude in the checklist? And why?